Lost Puddle Jumper

Lost Puddle Jumper

Best Price on the Lost Puddle JumperThe Lost Puddle Jumper is everything you want when you feel like hacking some spray but the swell is only giving you longboarding opportunities. With a wide girth and uber flat rocker, this fatty biscuit will cruise into the meekest of waves. And with its unique concave you can make so much speed you’ll feel like you’re surfing a wave that’s twice the size.

The best part about this board – and honestly what sells it for me – is how well it also works in head high to a little overhead barrels. I mean, a board that performs how you want on most everyday conditions: it’s a no brainer – you could just grab this board every time and chances are it’s gonna be the right choice for that day. For me, this is a huge plus because I like to ride the same board and really get to that point where you know the board so well that you can fully concentrate on the wave and what you want to do, you don’t have to worry about getting unnecessary beat downs because the board you’re on doesn’t respond like you thought it would.

As a thruster, it gets the job done, but as a quad, it shows its full potential: speed and thrust with maneuverability and precision. The quad fins are a great choice for small, punchy and hollow waves.

Surfer Skill Level

Surfer Skill Level

Upper beginner to advanced
Surfboard Rocker


Flat throughout the whole board
Surfboard Fin Setup

Fin Setup

Tri-fin to five fin
Surfboard Wvae Height Suitability

Wave Height

Knee high to a little overhead
Surfboard Bottom Concaves

Bottom Concaves

Bottom concave with V in the tail
Surfboard Rails


Wide, flat rails

Lost Puddle Jumper Dimensions

Length Width Depth Volume
4’10″ 19.00“ 2.25“ 23.5l
5’0″ 19.50“ 2.32“ 25.9l
5’2″ 20“ 2.38“ 28.2l
5’3″ 20.25“ 2.38“ 29.15l
5’4″ 20.50“ 2.38“ 29.77l
5’5″ 20.75“ 2.44“ 31.45l
5’6″ 21.00“ 2.5“ 33.2l
5’7″ 21.25“ 2.56“ 35l
5’8″ 21.50“ 2.63“ 36.90l
5’9″ 21.75“ 2.63“ 38l
5’10″ 22.00“ 2.75“ 40.60l
5’11″ 22.25“ 2.75“ 41.95l
6’0“ 22.25“ 2.75“ 42.60l
6’1“ 22.50“ 2.88“ 45.10l
6’2” 22.50“ 2.88“ 45.10l
6’4“ 22.50“ 2.88“ 47.90l
Another Shark Attack on Australia’s East Coast

Another Shark Attack on Australia’s East Coast

Early this morning, 31st July 2015, a 52 year old surfer was mauled by a 4-5 metre shark at Evans Head on the North Coast of New South Wales in Australia.  The fact that this is the 5th shark attack in the region in the last 12 months , is somewhat alarming. Apparently there have been […]

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