Surfboard Repair

Surfboard Repair

I’ve found a few great little videos for you all on surfboard repair.  How many times has a good board gone to waste because you’ve been to lazy to do a quick little surfboard ding repair.  If you’ve got no experience with how to repair a surfboard, the following videos will give you a heads up to get you started with surfboard repair.

Surfboard Repair – Tail Ding

Surfboard Repair – Nose Ding

Surfboard Repair – Rail Ding

If you’re interested in shaping and would like to know a little more, we’ve got some videos on how to make a surfboard.

Rusty Surfboards

Rusty Surfboards

Rusty Preisendorfer is the man behind Rusty Surfboards.  Born in 1953, it was around 13 years old that Rusty Preisendorfer discovered surfing.  From this point it took approximately 4 years for the 1st unofficial Rusty Surfboards shape to come to life (not that Rusty Surfboards existed yet…) . After meeting Peter Townend at the World […]

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