Mick Fanning Attacked by a Shark at J-Bay

Mick Fanning Attacked by a Shark at J-Bay

Absolutely amazing footage of Mick Fanning fighting off a shark attack at the J-Bay open in South Africa.  This is incredible stuff.  It’s amazing that Mick Fanning survived this attack by a Great White shark.  Initially it was thought to be actually 2 Great White sharks, but it was only a single shark.  One hell of a story for the kids.  This was another 1st in professional surfing history.  Just another Aussie doing what Aussie’s do best.  Mick Fanning you are all man mate… all man.

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Rusty Surfboards

Rusty Surfboards

Rusty Preisendorfer is the man behind Rusty Surfboards.  Born in 1953, it was around 13 years old that Rusty Preisendorfer discovered surfing.  From this point it took approximately 4 years for the 1st unofficial Rusty Surfboards shape to come to life (not that Rusty Surfboards existed yet…) . After meeting Peter Townend at the World […]

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